IEEE PES International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe - ISGT Europe 2022, Novi Sad (Serbia). 10-12 October 2022
In this work, a tool for the evacuation of Primary Frequency Control (PFC) service by generators connected to the distribution network is proposed. To achieve this goal, a linear AC Optimal Power Flow (OPF) model with a minimization objective and generation re-dispatch constraint is developed to guarantee the provision of the control service. Tests are carried out on an 8-bus system and a real High Voltage (HV) distribution grid. The obtained results revealed that the algorithm can guarantee the provision of the required PFC service provision by re-dispatching the connected generators while at the same time satisfying other operation and network constraints.
Spanish layman's summary:
Este trabajo propuso una herramienta para la evacuación del control primario de frecuencia por parte de generadores conectados a la red de distribución. Para lograr este objetivo, se desarrolla un modelo de flujo de potencia óptimo AC lineal con un objetivo de minimización y redespacho de generación para garantizar la prestación del servicio.
English layman's summary:
This work proposed a tool for the evacuation of primary frequency control by generators connected to the distribution network. To achieve this goal, a linear AC optimal power flow model with a minimization objective and generation re-dispatch is developed to guarantee the provision of the service.
Keywords: Ancillary Service Provision, Linear AC Power flow, Primary Frequency control, Real-Time Redispatch.
Published in ISGT Europe 2022, pp: 1-5, ISBN: 978-1-6654-8033-8
Publication date: 2022-11-28.
O. Oladimeji, L. Sigrist, A. Ortega, Guaranteeing the provision of Primary Frequency Control services by distributed generation, IEEE PES International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe - ISGT Europe 2022, Novi Sad (Serbia). 10-12 October 2022. In: ISGT Europe 2022: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 978-1-6654-8033-8